Whether you're a seasoned instructor or just starting out, the first day of class sets the tone for the entire course. Discover effective strategies to create a positive and engaging learning environment from the start, regardless of teaching modality.
Create a Welcoming Learning Environment from the Start
Begin by introducing yourself and important course information online before the first class meeting.
- Offer a glimpse into your academic journey by discussing your path to teaching and your passion for the subject matter.
- Create a personal touch to help them see you as a human being and not just a faculty member by sharing photos or videos that highlight your hobbies, interests, or family via a welcome message.
Build Community and Get to Know Your Students
- On the first day, establish a welcoming atmosphere by arriving early to greet students, taking oral attendance to learn names, using name tents, and maintaining an accessible presence throughout class.
- Keep accessibility in mind. Review Receiving A Student Accommodation Letter Quick Tips and visit the Caption Support Services page to easily add video captions as needed,
- Cultivate a sense of community by creating opportunities for students to connect with each other through icebreakers and group activities.
- Enhance student introductions with a digital platform like Padlet, integrating NameCoach for accurate pronunciation of names.
- Encourage students to make their introductions more engaging using multimedia elements, like videos and images, easily created with tools like Adobe Express.
- Enliven class discussions with gallery walks to encourage collaboration and discussion.
- Learn more about your students' backgrounds, interests, and goals by using "get-to-know-you" surveys, polls, or informal discussions to help you tailor your teaching to their needs and create a more engaging learning experience. Utilize Microsoft Forms, Canvas or iClickers for easy data collection and analysis
Create a Clear Path to Success
- Use a variety of methods, including syllabus overviews, course maps, and in-class discussions, to ensure students understand what is expected of them and what student services are available to them.
- Establish a structured learning environment by clearly outlining course expectations, learning outcomes, assessment criteria and guidance on the effective use of required materials.
- Spark student engagement by incorporating interactive activities that connect to course content from the start.
- Provide regular opportunities for students to practice and improve their understanding through low-stakes assessments and the ability to revise their work.
- Give frequent and thorough feedback easily using the Canvas comment library. Review How do I use the Comment Library in SpeedGrader, How do I use the Gradebook, and Canvas Analytics for more.
You won’t get a second chance to make that first impression, so make it count!
For more, review these additional resources:
For support, email [email protected], call 210-458-4520, or book a consultation with our TLDT experts.