UTSA Academic Innovation

Caption Support Services FAQs

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Academic Innovation understands the significant time and effort required by faculty to design, develop, and implement high-quality courses, particularly in ensuring digital accessibility. This includes the creation of captions for multimedia content. Below are some answers to the most common questions about how our Captioning Support Team can help make your classes more accessible.

What is captioning? 

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 defines captions as synchronized visual and/or text alternative for both speech and non-speech audio information needed to understand the media content.

The standard for captioning is 99% accuracy, including grammatical elements, speaker identification, and sound effects.

How to Request Captions

The process is simple. Any UTSA faculty member may request captions. Priority will be given to high-impact course content that can be reused or content with complex/technical jargon that is not easily recognized in automated captions. Email UTSA Digital Accessibility for Caption Support

Next Steps:

  1. The Digital Accessibility Team will contact you and ask follow-up questions to get additional information.
  2. If approved, share your videos with our team.
  3. The Digital Accessibility Team will order captions with a 10-business-day turnaround.
  4. Faculty will receive a notification from Digital Accessibility when the captioning process is completed.
  5. Faculty can update their instructional resources.

What types of videos are accepted?  

We accept:  

  • Panopto videos: Please fully edit videos before requesting captions.  
  • YouTube videos: We can caption YouTube videos depending on the privacy status set by the video's creator.  
  • If you don’t own the video, we will send a captioned version through the Amara platform, allowing our team to apply a caption overlay to YouTube videos.  
  • If you own the video, we will send you a caption file and steps to add the captions to your video. 
  • Note: Our team cannot caption YouTube shorts. 
  • Vimeo videos: We can caption Vimeo videos depending on the privacy status set by the creator.  
  • If you don’t own the video, we will send a captioned version through the Amara platform, allowing our team to apply a caption overlay to Vimeo videos.  
  • Reach out to our team for questions about videos on other platforms.  

How will the videos be captioned?

Captions will be requested through a 3rd party captioning vendor (Rev) in conjunction with Panopto or completed by our student caption editors at no cost to you or your department.

Do my videos need to be uploaded before requesting captions?

If your request is approved, you will be asked to move your videos to UTSA Panopto (or a platform we can access).

Once approved, what is the wait time for video captioning?

We will contact you with further instructions if your request has been approved. Once the Digital Accessibility Team has requested captioning, there is a 10-business-day turnaround time for captioning to be completed.

I am a staff member, not a faculty member. Can I request captions?

Please reach out to our team. Approvals for videos outside of course content are approved on a case-by-case basis.


For more, review these additional resources: 


For support, email [email protected]

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