UTSA Academic Innovation

UDL Playbook: Best Practices

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Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an educational framework that allows learners to engage with content and represent their knowledge in multiple ways. Designing courses using UDL principles promotes a rich learning environment and considers the variety of learners needs while incorporating accessibility principles. This section will give you a basic understanding of UDL and provide examples of how you can implement it in your course.

Develop a Foundational Understanding of the UDL Principles  

UDL is a framework developed by CAST that uses evidence-based insight into how humans learn. The core UDL includes 3 learning guidelines that encompass providing multiple means of: 

  • Engagement – focusing on how to motivate learners to meet learning objectives and consume the course content.
  • Representation – focusing on what students are learning and providing ways to improve learners’ understanding of content.
  • Action and Expression – focusing on how learners demonstrate their knowledge and mastery of course goals. 

Use the UDL Guidelines graphic organizer to understand how to incorporate the UDL principles. 

Getting Started with Incorporating UDL  

We recommend getting comfortable with UDL by reviewing the UDL on Campus  Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education.

Then, reflect on how students meet your course learning outcomes and where they stumble. This reflection will help highlight which UDL principles to incorporate. Utilize the principles at the beginning of the course development process or make small changes every semester to help engage your learners.

Merging UDL And Accessibility

Examples of UDL in Action

Engaging with digital content can pose unique challenges for students. The resources below can assist you in building additional support systems for students in an online environment and with designing assessments that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge in multiple ways. 

  • Examples in Higher Education provides real-world examples of how other instructors and universities are utilizing the UDL principles in their courses and programs.
  • Working with Industry Partners explores ways involving industry partners in course design can provide meaningful experiences for students, such as real-world projects, internships, or mentorship opportunities.
  • Case-Based Learning provides examples of implementing case-based learning in courses while exemplifying the UDL principles.
  • Social Learning explores ways utilizing social learning enhances the learners’ experience. 


For more, review these additional resources: 

  • UDL in Higher Ed contains several valuable sections that describe UDL as applied to Higher Education, tips for getting started, and case studies demonstrating how to implement UDL successfully in a course. It also provides a list of other universities that are making UDL a priority.
  • Course Design provides a wide variety of resources to assist you in creating your course with flexibility and variability in mind using the UDL framework.
  • Media & Materials provides helpful information about utilizing media effectively within a course while ensuring accessibility.
  • Accessibility & Policy offers more in-depth coverage of the laws mandating accessibility and information on creating and adopting policies relating to accessibility. 


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