This article covers common Simple Syllabus error messages and provides guidance on how to resolve them.
"Sorry, we could not locate this section in Simple Syllabus."
If your section was just added to the class schedule, please allow up to 24 hours for your Simple Syllabus to be created. If it's been over 24 hours, please contact Academic Innovation with your Course Subject, Course Number, Course Section, and CRN Number.
"Sit tight, the requested syllabus has not been completed yet..."
There are several reasons an instructor could receive this error message when accessing Simple Syllabus via Canvas. Please review the following steps to help resolve this issue.
Step #1: Wait 24 hours, if you were just assigned your section in Banner
If you were just assigned to your section in Banner, please allow up to 24 hours for you to be added to Simple Syllabus. If it's been over 24 hours, please proceed to the next step.
Step #2: Navigate to the Simple Syllabus website
Navigate to the Simple Syllabus website and login with your myUTSAID and Passphrase. Once you login, you'll be presented with your Instructor dashboard which displays your available syllabi.
I can see all my syllabi on my instructor dashboard.
Excellent! Your courses were successfully assigned to you to in Simple Syllabus, and you can begin editing. However, a browser issue is preventing the tool from loading in Canvas for you.
To resolve this issue, please complete the following steps. If you need assistance, please call our Academic Innovation Support team at (210) 458-4520; Ext 3.
- Clear your browser cache and cookies
- Enable third-party cookies in your browser
- Try an alternate browser
If after completing these steps you're still unable to access Simple Syllabus via Canvas, please contact Academic Innovation at (210) 458-4520; Ext 3, or email [email protected].
Some or all of my syllabi are missing on my instructor dashboard
Please contact Academic Innovation with your Course Subject, Course Number, Course Section, and CRN Number.
For support, email [email protected], call 210-458-4520 Ext 3, or book a consultation with our TLDT experts.