Canvas Gradebook helps instructors easily view and enter grades for students. All published and graded assignments, quizzes, discussions and surveys will display in the Gradebook.
How do I change grades from points to percentage?
In Canvas, grades are automatically set to points. To view totals and assignment groups as percentages you will need to change your grades to be based on weight. To learn how to set up weighted grades, read How do I set up weighted grades below.
How do I set up weighted grades?
Incorporating assignment groups offers a structured approach to calculating final grades based on weighted criteria. By assigning weights to each assignment group rather than individual assignments, this method ensures a balanced and accurate representation of student performance.
To learn how to set up weighted grades follow this Canvas guide: How do I weight the final course grade based on assignment groups?
How to organize gradebook items?
In this guide, discover practical tips and step-by-step instructions on how to effectively organize Gradebook items in your course, ensuring a streamlined and intuitive approach to tracking and evaluating student progress.
To learn how, go to Canvas's guide on How do I arrange columns in the Gradebook?
How can I view student names separated by first and last name?
Below is an example of splitting student's first and last names from one column to two columns. You can makes these changes by following the Canvas guide How do I view the Split Student Names?

Can I upload grades to Canvas?
You can use a CSV file to upload changes to the Gradebook. You can upload information for existing assignments, or you can also use a CSV file to create new assignments in the Gradebook. Keep in mind, new assignments will automatically be published in your course.
For step by step instructions, please read the Canvas guide How do I import grades in the Gradebook?
What do the Canvas gradebook icons and colors mean?
The Gradebook includes several icons and colors that may display in the assignment columns, assignment groups, and Total column to give statuses, warnings and used to quickly see differences.
Check out Canvas's How do I use the icons and color in Gradebook? for more information.
Why can't my students see their grades?
If you have an eyeball on an assignment column that means that the assignment's grades have not been posted yet and students are not able to see the grades.

This eyeball icon is known as the Visibility icon in Canvas.
To remove
(1) Click the 3 dots at the top of the assignment name and (2) Click Post grades.
Student will then be able to see the grades.

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