The following offers sample syllabus language detailing the use of Honorlock, a proctoring tool utilized to maintain academic integrity during assessments. By clearly communicating expectations, instructors can ensure a fair and secure testing environment for students. Adapt these sample statements to align with your specific course policies.
Syllabus Statement:
This course will use Honorlock, an online proctoring tool integrated into Canvas, for our quizzes and exams. This tool is meant to uphold academic integrity during exams using AI-powered video analysis and live proctoring to detect and deter potential cheating.
For Honorlock to work appropriately and to understand how Honorlock will work with your quizzes and exams, review:
- Technology Requirements:
- Working webcam & microphone
- Stable Internet
- Chrome Browser installed - Install the Honorlock Extension
- For detailed system specifications, please refer to the Minimum System Requirements.
- How to Use Honorlock: Student Guide (video)
- How to Use Honorlock (Test Takers)
- Honorlock FAQs for Test Takers
Academic Integrity:
Any incidents reported by Honorlock and reviewed by the course instructor as violations of the UTSA Code of Student Conduct, specifically concerning Academic Dishonesty, may result in disciplinary action as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct (Section 203). Violations include, but are not limited to, plagiarism, cheating on exams or assignments, falsifying records, unauthorized collaboration, and submitting work that is not your own.
- Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM: email [email protected], call 210-458-4520, or book a consultation with our TLDT experts
- 24/7/365 Faculty Support: email [email protected] , call 844-243-2500 or begin a live chat.