This guide reviews how to effectively integrate iClicker into your classroom. It covers essential steps such as setting up your iClicker system, creating a simple first-day poll, and providing clear instructions to students on how to join and participate in the polling activity.
- Launch the iClicker Cloud desktop software and log in.

- If you will be using a "Join Code" (recommended for the first day of class), click “Join Code”, which will open up a browser screen. That code will be used by any student who has not yet already added your class to their account.

- Instruct your students to join your class session using the following options:
- Visit join.iclicker.com and enter the “Join Code” you provide.
- Click on your unique join link, which will also take them to the session.
- Scan a QR code you provide using their phone's camera. This will automatically navigate them to the join link.

- Hover over your course and click “Start Class.”

- Class officially begins when the iClicker toolbar appears on your screen. Once you start the class, your session becomes active, and students can join.
- If your course is linked to Canvas students should automatically see your course within their iClicker app or browser.
- If your course is not linked, or if some students cannot find your course: Provide them with your unique course “Join Code” as outlined above.
NOTE: The iClicker toolbar can be positioned anywhere on your screen. Simply drag and drop it to your preferred location. iClicker will save this position for your next class. To collapse and expand the toolbar, click the blue cloud icon.

- Enhance your presentations with interactive question slides. You have the freedom to customize how you present these questions to your students. To initiate a poll, select the 'Poll' icon from the iClicker toolbar.

- Select the desired question type (Multiple Choice, True/False, etc.) from the iClicker toolbar drop-down menu. This setting will apply to all future polling questions in this session. For details on different question types, review iClicker Cloud Polling Question Types.

- Use the "More" button to customize your polling experience. Here, you can choose to make polls anonymous, set timers that count up or down, track student confidence levels, and select the screen content you want to display during polling.

- Select the green play button to start the poll.

NOTE: At the start of each class's first poll, you'll be prompted to select which screen or window iClicker will capture for your gradebook and, if enabled in your settings, share with students. By default, a thumbnail preview image appears when you click the play button, but you can disable this option if desired. iClicker saves your capture settings for the session, and you can adjust them anytime via the toolbar's "More" menu. Click "Select" to continue.

- When you launch an iClicker poll, students will receive the poll question directly on their devices (see image below). If you enable the 'Confidence' setting, students will also have the option to indicate their level of confidence in their answer.

- The toolbar will show you how much time has elapsed during a Polling question and how many students have submitted responses. To end a Polling question, select the red stop button.

- Select the "Results" icon in the iClicker toolbar to view class responses. You can drag the right and bottom edges of the window to resize the panel as needed. To hide the results panel, select the Results icon again.

- (Optional) Select correct answers
Although you can display the Results chart while a poll is open to show results in real time, once you have closed a poll, those responses will be considered final and can be graded.
Select an answer choice on the Results panel to indicate that it is correct. Select it again to toggle it to incorrect or ungraded. You can choose multiple correct responses. When graded, the results change color to green (correct) and red (incorrect), a check mark appears below the correct response(s), and a GRADED badge displays next to the question number.

More Results options. Here's what else you can do in the Results panel:
- Compare results between two Polling questions you've asked in the current class session
- Use the arrows to navigate through the other questions you've asked in the current class session
- Select the three dots to Delete Question or Mark All Correct if you need to quickly grade all student responses as correct
- (Short Answer and Numeric questions only) Click on the arrows next to the Response or Count headers to sort the responses in ascending or descending order
- Click on the arrow on the left side of the panel to view screenshots of all the Polling questions you've asked in the current class session
- Double-clicking a Polling question thumbnail opens a new window with a larger view of the image
- Questions you've already graded are marked with a green checkmark icon
- Anonymous questions are marked with an A icon
- Student confidence ratings are displayed below the responses of any polls for which you had enabled the confidence rating. Select Details to view how many students were Very confident, Confident, Somewhat confident, or Not confident in their response

- Select the arrow to the right of the cloud icon on the toolbar to return to your main class session options and select the End icon on the main iClicker toolbar. Ending the class session properly will help ensure that students are able to join your new class session during your next class.
NOTE: When you do this, you will have the option of ending your session with an exit poll to gather post-class feedback from your students and return to your main Courses window.
For more, review these additional resources:
- 6 Tips for Easily Integrating a Student Response System into Your Course
- Checklist: Getting Started with iClicker Cloud Courses
- Sample Syllabus Statement for iClicker
- Getting Started with iClicker (Faculty)
- Getting Started with iClicker (Students)
- iClicker User Guides
- iClicker: Common Troubleshooting Issues
For support:
- Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m: email [email protected], call 210-458-4520, or book a consultation with our TLDT experts
- Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. ET, Friday 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m: ET: email [email protected] or call 866-209-5698