UTSA Academic Innovation

Quick Start Guide to Using Classroom+ Tech

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Classrooms+ are designed to enhance the UTSA learning experience through innovative technology. This guide will help you familiarize yourself with a basic overview of the available features and confidently utilize them to enhance your teaching.

How Do I Turn on the System?

  1. Touch anywhere on the Crestron control panel to wake up the panel.
  2. Select "Presentation."
Crestron control panel home screen
  1. The projector and all monitors will turn on simultaneously.

How to Choose and Use Inputs.

Review the available options and select your desired input from the touch panel. 

  • PC Left: Corresponds to the left PC instructor monitor from the in-room Windows PC. 
  • PC Right: Corresponds to the right PC instructor monitor from the in-room Windows PC. 
  • HDMI: Connect a laptop or other HDMI output device. 
  • USB-C: Connect a laptop, tablet, or other USB-C output device. 
  • Doc Cam: Show physical items on the in-room displays (e.g., notes or equations from paper). 
  • Solstice: Wireless BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) solution. On-screen instructions will appear when this input is selected. 
Crestron control pannel displaying the input options

Note: By default, on the computer settings, you may have a mirror display for left and right PC monitors. To extend the display, please review how to extend your PC display on Windows PC.

How Do I Adjust the Volume?

Crestron control pannel home with a square highlighting the volume button
Crestron control pannel showing the options under the Volume window

Note: Depending on the room, the volume display may scroll left to right for more options.

The volume controls are located in the top right corner of the touch panel.

Program Volume:  

  • Increase: Press the “Arrow Up.” 
  • Decrease: Press the “Arrow Down.” 
  • Mute: Press the “Mute” button with a red slash. 

Microphone Volume:

  • To adjust: Press the “Arrow Up” or “Arrow Down” associated with each available microphone -  
    • One Wireless Lapel
    • Three Wireless Handheld
    • Overhead and Table Top Video Conferencing (not used for sound reinforcement, listed as “Remote” within the volume controls) 

Remote Volume (Video Conference):  

  • To adjust: Press the "Arrow Up" or "Arrow Down" to control the volume from the far side of the call, e.g. allowing people physically in the room to better hear those who are remote.

How Do I Conduct a Video Conference (Zoom, Teams, etc.)?

Please contact Academic Technologies at 210-458-4520 or [email protected] for a detailed overview of the room's video conferencing capabilities.

How Do I Start a Lecture Capture?

Note: Recordings made with the Recorder option will be automatically sent to Academic Innovation for processing. Please contact Academic Technologies at 210-458-4520 or [email protected] to request your recording to be added to your personal Panopto folder.

  1. Select the "Recorder" in the top right corner of the touch panel.
Crestron control pannel home with a square highlighting the Recorder button
  1. Select the green "Start Recording" button.
Crestron control pannel showing the options under the Recorder window
  1. Choose from four layout options:
  • Camera: Only shows the camera.
  • Content: Only shows the content output.
  • PIP A: Shows the camera large and the content small.
  • PIP B: Shows the content large and the camera small. 

How Do I Adjust the Camera Controls?

  1. Select Presentation from the main home page.
Crestron control pannel home
  1. Select the camera setting from the bottom of the main routing page.
Crestron control pannel showing the options under the Camera window

How Do I Shut Down the System?

  1. Touch the power button located on the top right of the touch panel.
Crestron control pannel home with a square highlighting the Power button
  1. A confirmation screen will appear:
  • Press “Shutdown” to confirm.
  • Press “Cancel” to return to the control system.
  1. If using the in-room computer, log off (do not shut down) the computer when done.
  2. Return all wireless microphones to the charging station on top of the podium. 



For more, review Classrooms + at UTSA.


For support, email [email protected], call 210-458-4520 or book a consultation with our TLDT experts.

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