UTSA Academic Innovation

Generating a Simple Syllabus Missing Syllabi Report (Report Viewers)

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Learn how to generate a missing syllabi report in Simple Syllabus to identify sections without a published syllabus.


  1. Login to Simple Syllabus.
  2. Click the Reports icon and scroll down to the “Document Status Report.”
Simple Syllabus Document Status Report with the Reports icon highlighted.
  1. Choose your desired Term, set Types to "Syllabus", and add any additional filters as needed.
Simple Syllabus Document Status Report displaying the available filters with the Syllabus type selected.
  1. Select the applicable columns you need and click "Generate". We recommend the following for accuracy:
    1. Standard Columns: Instructor Name, Term, Course Name, Status, Published, Course Title
    2. Account: Instructor Email, MyUTSAID
    3. Course: Level
    4. Section: Cross Listed
  1. After reviewing the report, click "Generate CSV." Once the file is ready, select "Ready for download" to download it.
The Simple Syllabus Document Status Report Export section highlighting the Generate CSV button and Ready for download button.
  1. Open the CSV file in Microsoft Excel and apply the following filters:
    1. Set Cross Listed to (Blanks) to filter out individual cross-listed sections, as they are included in the combined cross-listed syllabi.
    2. Set Published to No to include only unpublished syllabi.
Microsoft Excel filter window displaying the Cross Listed column set to (blanks)


For more information, please review these additional resources:


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